regenerative medicine treatments
I am a surgeon specialising in orthopaedics and traumatology. I currently oversee the Orthopaedics Department at Mater Salutis Hospital in Legnago. With over 20 years of experience, I was among the first in Italy to introduce innovative techniques such as robotic surgery and the use of stem cells for tissue regeneration. I believe in a human and tailor-made approach for each patient, explaining even the most complex procedures simply and clearly.
The techniques I have fine-tuned over the years offer innovative solutions for a swift and lasting
restoration of joint function, through robotic surgery and a minimally invasive approach.
Targeted interventions to overcome problems such as shoulder arthrosis and rotator cuff injuries.
Solutions for conditions such as hip arthrosis and avascular necrosis.
Treatments to address conditions such as knee arthrosis and meniscus injuries.
Regenerative orthopaedics offer solutions to regenerate tissue using factors produced by platelets and mesenchymal stem cells. These procedures reduce joint effusion and pain, offering an effective alternative to traditional surgery.
This is ideal for treating cartilage damage when detected early, as well as tendon injuries. It enhances quality of life, allowing the joints to regain mobility and well-being.
Protesi all’anca: un veloce pit stop. La protesi all’anca è uno degli interventi più frequenti
Dottore cosa mi ha fatto? La protesi dell’anca Al termine degli interventi chirurgici, quando il
Done this too! Shoulder repaired, now a long rehabilitation and off we go. I sincerely thank the
On August 2nd I was operated on by the exceptional team of Dr. Michele Trevisan at the orthopedic department of Legnago for a prosthetic hip resurfacing. I have no words for the results.....after two days standing without crutches. After 8 days able to drive a car.... crazy.... Dr. Trevisan is the only surgeon who performs this operation with anterior access, therefore without sectioning muscle groups. My thanks go to him.
My husband has just undergone hip replacement surgery and we were able to see the excellent medical staff, first and foremost Dr. Michele Trevisan and the professionalism, cordiality but above all the passion of the nursing staff and the social health workers!!!
When you encounter such excellence, it is obligatory to make it public: a standing ovation for all these professionals: THANK YOU!
It is easy to talk about Dr. Michele. His skills, his commitment, his innovative means, his dream of bringing the orthopedic department to the forefront are there for all to see. It is the human side of the person that strikes, he remembers the patient after a long time, always with a smile, if you meet him he stops for a word. I am grateful and thankful to Dr. Trevisan. Thanks to his patience and encouragement I faced knee and hip replacement surgery; I returned to walking as always, keeping in mind that I am 78 years old.... I recently attended one of his lectures, at the university for the elderly, he introduced himself as a doctor and not as a head physician.
My gratitude towards him is great: humanity and empathy are his characteristics: he cares about the person before the patient.
Don't let joint problems limit your quality of life.
Contact me to make an appointment or request further information.
+39 349 079 5251
Rehab Legnago
0442 601500
La Sorgente Cerea
0442 80872
Trevisan Michele ® 2025 | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy
Dottor Michele Trevisan – Medico chirurgo specializzato in ortopedia – P. IVA 05014630239
Do you want to overcome your joint problems?
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Don't let joint problems limit your quality of life.
Fill in the form to make an appointment with me or request further information.
+39 349 079 5251
Rehab Legnago
0442 601500
La Sorgente Cerea
0442 80872