Prosthetic hip surgery

Return to free movement thanks to a minimally invasive surgical approach
that preserves muscles and accelerates recovery, guaranteeing excellent and long-lasting results.

Pain reduction

go back to doing the things you love without discomfort. Imagine being able to walk, climb the stairs or even dance again without pain.

Rapid recovery

the anterior route technique enables a more precise and less invasive procedure, reducing surgery and healing time.

Long-lasting well-being

modern prostheses guarantee a stable and reliable solution for many years, reducing the need for corrective surgery.

Do you suffer from any of these problems?

Many patients suffer from hip pain that severely limits their quality of life.
The most common problems that may require hip replacement surgery are the following:

Hip arthrosis

Causes progressive wear of articular cartilage, resulting in chronic pain, stiffness and reduced mobility. This can make everyday activities such as walking, climbing stairs or getting up from a chair difficult.

Avascular necrosis

A condition in which the blood supply to the hip bone is reduced, causing the bone tissue to die. This leads to severe pain and can cause the hip joint to collapse.

Femoral neck

Fractures can result from trauma or falls and are particularly common in the elderly, who experience reduced mobility and intense pain.

Hip dysplasia

A congenital malformation of the hip joint that can cause pain and premature wearing of the joint. This condition may worsen with time.

These problems can be overcome with prosthetic surgery. But not all techniques are the same. In fact, traditional systems often involve very invasive procedures and extended periods of recuperation.

This is why it is preferable to choose minimally invasive solutions that can speed up recovery and also reduce complications.

Anterior access hip surgery

My approach to hip surgery is based on the anterior route, a minimally invasive technique which I have perfected to preserve the muscles and ensure a faster recovery. Anterior access utilises the natural planes between the muscles, avoiding the need to cut them and providing a safer and more effective solution.

I have recently successfully applied a resurfacing prosthesis using the anterior route, a combination that is unique in Italy. This innovative approach is particularly appropriate for young, active patients with a high level of functional demands:

• Greater joint stability.
• Reduced native bone loss.
• Fast recovery time.

Why is it effective?

Anterior robotic surgery uses a 3D pre-operative planning system, which allows the surgeon to create a detailed and customised plan for every patient.

During the procedure, a robotic arm assists the surgeon by providing real-time feedback, ensuring maximum precision and safety in the placement of the implant.

Comparison of anterior and postero-lateral route

To replace the hip with a prosthesis, the surgeon usually accesses the joint from the posterior or lateral area of the hip ("postero-lateral route"). However, this technique involves cutting the gluteal muscles and tendons, which can cause more intensive post-operative pain and a longer stay in hospital.

This is why I developed and optimised anterior surgery. Here is a comparison of the 2 techniques.

Postero-Lateral Route

Increased post-operative pain and discomfort

Invasive: requires the muscles and tendons to be cut

Slow recovery, longer period of hospitalisation

Potentially lower level of joint stability

Increased dislocation risk

Anterior Route

Reduced post-operative pain

Minimally invasive: avoids the cutting of major muscles

Rapid recovery, reduced hospitalisation time

Improved joint stability

Lower dislocation risk

Intervention Steps

Pre-Operative Assessment

We carry out a 3D scan of your hip to create a detailed and customised surgical plan. This will ensure that the surgery will be planned with the utmost precision, taking your anatomical specifications into account.

Patient preparation

Once the surgery has been planned, we will provide you with pre-operative instructions and a detailed explanation of the procedure. This will allow you to arrive for the procedure with peace of mind and confidence.

Surgical Intervention

During surgery, the robotic arm assists the surgeon, ensuring maximum precision in removing damaged bone tissue and positioning the implant. The system provides real-time feedback, allowing for corrective action to be taken immediately.

Post-operative monitoring

After surgery, you will be closely monitored to ensure proper healing. This includes follow-up visits and, if necessary, physiotherapy to support recovery.

Dr Michele Trevisan

Medical surgeon specialising in orthopaedics
Director of the Orthopaedic Department at Mater Salutis Hospital in Legnago

Why choose me?

• Because I was part of the team, led by Dr Piergiuseppe Perazzini, that performed the first two hip replacement operations in Europe using the robotic technique in 2012.

• Because I was among the first to adopt and develop the anterior surgical route, which is more advantageous than the traditional postero-lateral route.

• Because I have over 20 years of experience in the field of orthopaedics, during which I have worked with the best orthopaedic institutions in Italy and throughout Europe.

• Because I create human relationships with my patients, and always try to put them at ease, explaining even the most complex procedures to them in a simple way.

• Because I am always up-to-date with the latest news and research in the orthopaedic field, I integrate best practices into the treatments I carry out.

Frequently asked questions about robotic anterior access hip surgery

Is it painful?

Robotic-assisted procedures are minimally invasive and involve lower levels of pain than traditional techniques. The use of local anaesthetic and the precision of the procedure significantly reduce discomfort in the post-operative phase.

With the advantages of the anterior route, recovery times are shorter than with more traditional procedures. Many patients return to their daily activities within a few weeks, with a progressive improvement in joint condition.

Prostheses fitted using robotic technology are designed to last for many years. The precision of the procedure reduces the risk of complications and extends the life of the implant, offering a stable and durable solution.

Like for any surgical procedure, there are risks, although they are minimal. Possible complications include infection, adverse reactions to the injection or non-response to treatment. However, the minimally invasive approach reduces these risks when compared to traditional techniques.


Resolve your hip problems

Is hip pain limiting your quality of life? 

Fill in the form to make an appointment with Dr Michele Trevisan. Together we will find the best solution to resolve your problem.


+39 349 079 5251


Rehab Legnago 

0442 601500

La Sorgente Cerea 

0442 80872


Do you want to overcome your joint problems?
Request an assessment

Don't let joint problems limit your quality of life.
Fill in the form to make an appointment with me or request further information.


+39 349 079 5251


Rehab Legnago 

0442 601500

La Sorgente Cerea 

0442 80872